Maalasin jokin aika sitten pari(mielestäni huonoa) maalausta pahville. Nekään eivät ole vielä valmiita. Vuoristorata maalaus varsinkin vaatisi jotain lisää. Ehä lisää tarkkuutta joihinkin kohtiin ja hutilointia tiettyhin kohtiin. Tekisi mieli valuttaa maalia, mutta sitä ei ikävä kyllä tehdä helposti, koska pahvi on niin iso.
I have heard bad news about my dog. My darling pet micht have a tumour in her lugn. My pet is a over 10 years old daschund. The kind of a silky smooth thing that has born in a little black dress wearing a mask on her face. The fact of if she has a tumour in her lungs we will find out on Friday.I`m so debressed...
A while ago I painted some (Bad) paintinds on cardboard. They are not ready yet. Especially the rollercoaster painting needs something more. More preciseness to some parts and more bungling to some parts of the painting is in my oppinion needed. I wold like to tap the paint as long paintlines, but that`s hardly possible ecause the cardboard is so big.
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